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GISHydro Documentation
This page contains documentation illustrating the use of GISHydro. Also provided are
technical reports from completed GISHydro projects.
- GISHydroNXT Documentation (posted August 2018) GISHydroNXT has been developed to replace GISHydro2000 for hydrologic analysis in Maryland. As of this posting, GISHydroNXT is not officially released and adopted. Maryland Department of Transporatation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) will announce the official retirement of GISHydro2000 and the switch to GISHydroNXT.
- Maryland Sea Grant Final Report. (August 2011, Adobe PDF format ~5.3MB) Final report describing land cover/land use forecast methods, summary of main hydrologic forecast findings, and user's manual for DelMarVa version of GISHydro.
- GISHydroNXT User's Manual. (June 2011 version) (June 2011, Adobe PDF format ~1.0MB) Information on the use and installation of GISHydroNXT. This version adds to the 2010 version functionality, allowing user-defined subdivision.
- GISHydroNXT User's Manual. (June 2010 version) (June 2010, Adobe PDF format ~1.0MB) Information on the use and installation of GISHydroNXT - a new version of GISHydro that is compatible with ArcGIS 9.3.1.
- GISHydro Nutrient Loading Interpolator for the Chesapeake Bay Program Model - Phase II. (August 2009, Adobe PDF format ~1.5MB) Information and example exercises on how to use the nutrient loading interpolator to estimate nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loadings in Maryland based on the US EPA's Chesapeake Bay Model output. The tool also allows for the specification and modeling of BMPs.
- Instructions for Using the Web-Based Version of GISHydro2000 Details on how to access the web-based version of GISHydro2000 (March 2010)
- GISHydro2000 User's Manual (Maryland version).(November 2007, Adobe PDF format ~4.1MB). This is the most current Maryland User's Manual
and contains all documents for the November 2007 GISHydro2000 training workshop.
- GISHydro2000 User's Manual (Delaware version).(January 2008, Adobe PDF format ~3.5MB). This is the most current Delaware User's Manual
and contains all documents for the January 2008 GISHydro2000 training workshop.
- gishydrodel.apr: Corrected ".apr" file for Delaware version of GISHydro2000 [Place in [drive:\delgis\deinterface] (updated: January 26, 2008).
- umdgishydrometric.avx: Corrected ".avx" file for Delaware version of GISHydro2000 [Place in [drive:\delgis\deinterface] (updated: January 17, 2008).
- delmarva.txt: Place in [drive:\delgis\deinterface] (updated: January 26, 2008).
- Stream Biodiversity Extension for ArcView written by Dr. Yin-Phan Tsang (April 2008, Zip format ~5.0MB). This zip file contains documentation, installation instructions and an ArcView extension that will interact with GISHydro to produce stream biodiversity estimates in Maryland.
- GISHydro Nutrient Loading Interpolator for the Chesapeake Bay Program Model. (May 2007, Adobe PDF format ~0.8MB). This is documentation for the new tools added to GISHydro2000 to produce annual loading estimates of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and TSS based on output from the Chesapeake Bay Program Model - Phase 4. The documentation includes information on specifying BMPs that may apply to these loadings. Finally, this documentation includes exercises that reader may follow to perform a nutrient loading analysis anywhere in the state.
- Using GISHydro2000 to make pollutant/nutrient loading and stream biodiversity estimates. (December 2005, Adobe PDF format ~0.8MB). This is documentation for the new tools added to GISHydro2000 to produce annual loading estimates of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and TSS based on the PLOAD model. The documentation also shows how to indicate BMPs that may apply to these loadings. Also documented is information on how observed and reference stream biodiversity for the delineated watershed may be estimated using GISHydro2000.
- Velocity Method Segment Generator Dialog documentation. (February 2005, Adobe PDF format ~0.1MB). This is documentation for the new dialog tool added in February 2005 to allow the merging of multiple pixels along the longest flow path to be treated as a single segment.
- Former GISHydro2000 User's Manual.
(January 2000, Adobe PDF format ~2 MB). The User's Manual
contains a description of the GISHydro2000 interface and
functions. A worked example for the Little Gunpowder Falls
watershed located in Maryland is included.
- MDSHA Final Report. Submitted
to the Maryland State Highway Administration (January 2000) for the
project: "Updating GISHYDRO functionality to include Digital Terrain
and Digital Line Data."
MDSHA Final Report. Submitted to the Maryland State
Highway Administration (Revised March 27, 2002) for the project: "Implementing GISHydro Installation, Customized Enhancements, and Support"
(SP 907C4H).
Includes documentation on development of Ultimate Land Use coverage, use of
new Velocity Method Tc calculator, details about added data
- Former GISHydro2000 Training Manual. Second Edition
of the Training Manual used in the Introduction to
GISHydro2000 training workshops.
- Supplemental Material. These documents were
distributed in the Introduction to GISHydro2000 Workshop but
were not printed in the training manual.
MDSHA Final Report. Submitted to the Maryland State
Highway Administration (revised October 30, 2006) for the project:
"Evaluation of Alternative Statistical Methods for Estimating
Frequency of Peak Flows in Maryland"
(SP 907C4B). Provides documentation of methods and
equations developed under this project. These methods
and equations are already automated in GISHydro2000.
MDSHA Final Report. Submitted to the Maryland State
Highway Administration (revised May 20, 2004) for the project
"Continued Enhancements to GISHydro2000"
(SP208B4J). Provides documentation on changes to the GISHydro2000 program including three appendices on new or updated dialogues:
- Appendix A: Use of Interactive Dialogue Box for Modifying Land Use in GISHydro2000
- Appendix B: Time of Concentration Dialogue Box and Reporting
- Appendix C: Notes on the Modify Hydrologic Condition Dialogue
- Revised Ultimate Development Land Use Grids: (Revised: 6/9/2004)
- Former English Units Version of GISHydro Install Program (4/10/03) You will need to rename this file to "setupex.exe" after downloading.