GISHydroNXT System Documentation

# Author:       UMD
# Date:         24-07-2018
# Modified:     n/a
# Classes:      WriteSubAreaLandUseDistribution() 
# Functions:    hydro.lu_description() ; hydro.openbrowser()
# Modules:      arcpy
# Comments:     n/a
class WriteSubAreaLandUseDistribution(object):
    """Implementation for GISHydroNXT_addin.button12 (Button)"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.enabled = False
        self.checked = False
    def onClick(self):
        arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = scratchfolder
        arcpy.env.workspace = optfolder
        # read datetime time stamp single time (so it should be here outside loop)
        now =
        month = now.strftime("%B")
        day = now.strftime("%d")
        year = now.strftime("%Y")

        # write initial lines of sub-basin composition outside for loop
        # (concatenate all sub-areas basin compositions)
        datastring = ""
        datastring = datastring + "GISHydro Release Version Date:    %s" "\n" %(Modifieddt)
        datastring = datastring + "Project Name:                     %s" %(proj)
        datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "Analysis Date:                    %s %s, %s " "\n" %(month,day,year)
        datastring = datastring + "" "\n"

        # create a folder for basin composition files
        sub_basincomp = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp"
        if not os.path.exists(sub_basincomp):

        fc = optfolder + "/subshed.shp"
        desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
        rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
        for idx,row in enumerate(rows):
            aPoly = row.getValue(desc.shapefieldname)
            setExtent = aPoly.extent
            arcpy.env.extent = setExtent
            # create mask raster for each sub-basin
            basingrid = optfolder + "/basingrid"
            arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, "layer" + str(idx), ' "FID" = ' + str(idx))
            mask = arcpy.Clip_management(basingrid, "", optfolder + "/aux_folder/mask" + str(idx), "layer" + str(idx),"0", "ClippingGeometry")

            ## grids and shapefile used for sub-basin land distribution
            lu = optfolder + "/landuse"
            soil = optfolder + "/Soils"
            nhd = r"" + Directory + "/data/maryland/nhd_streamsm.shp"

            lu_ext = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/lu_ext" 
            soil_ext = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/soil_ext" 
            lu_out =,mask)
   + str(idx))
            soil_out =,mask)
   + str(idx))

            # 1] intersect sub-basins and NHD streams to obtain string of stream names in each sub-basin
            # 2] obtain name strings
            arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False
            nhd_sub = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/nhd" + str(idx) + ".shp"
            arcpy.Intersect_analysis([nhd,"layer" + str(idx)],nhd_sub,"ALL","#","INPUT")
            nhd_sc = arcpy.SearchCursor(nhd_sub,"","","NAME","")
            nhd_streams = []
            for s in nhd_sc:
                nhd_names = s.getValue("NAME")

            # unicode to string conversion and then replace " "  in list to "Unidentified Reach"
            nhd_streams_tmp = [x.encode("UTF8") for x in nhd_streams]
            nhd_streams = ["Unidentified Reach" if i == " " else i for i in nhd_streams_tmp] # replace "" in a list

            ## convert all clipped rasters to polygons
            lu_poly = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/lu_poly" + str(idx) + ".shp"
            soil_poly = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/soil_poly" + str(idx) + ".shp"
            arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False
            arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(lu_ext + str(idx),lu_poly,"NO_SIMPLIFY","VALUE")
            arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False
            arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(soil_ext + str(idx),soil_poly,"NO_SIMPLIFY","VALUE")

            ## intersect land use and soil to prepare two polygons: "lu_soil" and "lu_cn"
            arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False
            lu_soil = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/lu_soil" + str(idx) + ".shp"

            ## dissolve above intersected polygon
            arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False
            lu_soil_diss = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp/lu_soil_diss" + str(idx) + ".shp"

            ## add filed to both of above dissolved polygons and compute area in acres

            # prepre a list of lu codes to feed into lu_description function in order to obtain matching descriptions list
            lu_match = []
            sc = arcpy.SearchCursor(lu_ext + str(idx),"","","VALUE","")
            for i in sc:
                v = i.getValue("VALUE")

            # create list of lists with zeroes
            soil_acre_lists = [[0,0,0,0] for i in range(len(lu_match))]

            # preapre a list of soil acreage using lu_match list
            lc_soil_diss = []
            soil_lc_diss = []
            lc_soil_aa = []
            sr = arcpy.SearchCursor(lu_soil_diss,"","","GRIDCODE;GRIDCODE_1;area","")
            for s in sr:
                lc = s.getValue("GRIDCODE")
                sc = s.getValue("GRIDCODE_1")
                aa = s.getValue("area")

            for n,lu in enumerate(lu_match):
                for l,s,a in zip(lc_soil_diss,soil_lc_diss,lc_soil_aa):
                    if l == lu:
                        soil_acre_lists[n][int(s)-1] = a

            # prepare matching list of lu description using lu codes from lu raster of watershed
            if landuse == "NLCD 2011 Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "NLCD 2006 Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "NLCD 2001 Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/nlcdlookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "1997 MOP Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "2002 MOP Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "2010 MOP Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/andlookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "2002 MD/DE Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/mddelookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/mddelookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/mddelookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "Ultimate Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/zoninglookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/zoninglookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/zoninglookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "MRLC Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/mrlclookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/mrlclookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/mrlclookuppoor.txt"
            if landuse == "1970s USGS Landuse":
                if hyd == "Fair":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/usgslookupfair.txt"
                elif hyd == "Good":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/usgslookupgood.txt"
                elif hyd == "Poor":
                    lut_file = r"" + Directory + "/data/mdfiles/lookup/usgslookuppoor.txt"

            # run hydro function to obtain land use description of categories present in watershed
            lu_desc = hydro.lu_description(lut_file,lu_match)

            # Perform two tasks:
            # a) take "lu_desc" and "soil_acre_lists" and concatenate them
            # b) format according to basin composition file in legacy version
            land_soil_area = ""
            for ld,sg in zip(lu_desc,soil_acre_lists):
                land_soil_area = land_soil_area + "{: <{}}".format(ld, width) + str(sg[0]).rjust(10) + str(sg[1]).rjust(10) + str(sg[2]).rjust(10) + str(sg[3]).rjust(10)
                land_soil_area = land_soil_area + "" "\n"

            # Text file string variables
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "Landuse and Soil Distributions for: Sub-Area %s" "\n" %(str(idx+1)) # 1/2/2018: because we want sub-basin index to start from 1 so "idx+1"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "Streams located in this sub-area:"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"

            # add stream names
            for sn in nhd_streams:
                datastring = datastring + str(sn)
                datastring = datastring + "" "\n"

            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "Distribution of Landuse by Soil Group" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"                
            datastring = datastring + "Acres on Indicated Soil Group".rjust(66)
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "Land Use".rjust(8) + "A-Soil".rjust(32) + "B-Soil".rjust(10) + "C-Soil".rjust(10) + "D-Soil".rjust(10)
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + land_soil_area

            # sum list of lists separately and cat at the end of lu description
            total_area = [sum(i) for i in zip(*soil_acre_lists)]
            datastring = datastring + "{: <{}}".format("Total Area:", width) + str(total_area[0]).rjust(10) + str(total_area[1]).rjust(10) + str(total_area[2]).rjust(10) + str(total_area[3]).rjust(10)

            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "Distribution of Land Use and Curve Numbers Used" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "Land Use".rjust(8) + "Acres".rjust(34) + "Percent".rjust(10) + "A".rjust(4) + "B".rjust(4) + "C".rjust(4) + "D".rjust(4)
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
            datastring = datastring + "" "\n"

            # loop over land use, related total acreage, percent of land covered by this lu category, and A-B-C-D curve numbers
            curve_num = []
            for l in lu_match:
                with open(lut_file, "r") as f:
                    for line in f:
                        luc = line.split("\t")[0]
                        if int(l) == int(luc):
                            A = line.split("\t")[2] # CN A
                            B = line.split("\t")[3] # CN B
                            C = line.split("\t")[4] # CN C
                            D = line.split("\t")[5] # CN D

            # sum areas for each sub-list individually
            acres = [sum(i) for i in soil_acre_lists]
            total_all = sum(total_area)
            percent = [round(float(x/total_all)*100,2) for x in acres]
            for l,a,p,cn in zip(lu_desc,acres,percent,curve_num):
                datastring = datastring + "{: <{}}".format(l, width) + str(a).rjust(12) + str(p).rjust(10) + str(cn[0]).rjust(4) + str(cn[1]).rjust(4) + str(cn[2]).rjust(4) + str(cn[3]).rjust(4)
                datastring = datastring + "" "\n"

            # turn layers ON/OFF in current data frame
            mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
            df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
            layers = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df)
            for lyr in layers:
                if == "lu_ext":
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "soil_ext":
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "lu_poly":
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "soil_poly":
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "lu_soil":
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "lu_soil_diss":
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "layer" + str(idx):
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
                if == "mask" + str(idx):
                    arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)


        # write strings to basin stat text file.
        # Message box containing datastring as message
        defFN = optfolder + "/sub_basincomp.txt"
        compfile = open(defFN,"w")

        # open "basincomp" file in text editor

        # turn peak discharge OFF
        button12.enabled = False
        arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"