GISHydroNXT System Documentation

# Author:       UMD
# Date:         24-07-2018
# Modified:     n/a
# Classes:      BasinStatistics() 
# Functions:    hydro.channelslope() ; hydro.slopegrid() ; hydro.SSURGOPct()
#               hydro.GetLUCountNLCD() ; hydro.GetLUCountAnderson()
#               hydro.GetLUCountMDDE() ; hydro.GetLUCountUltimate()
#               hydro.GetLUCountMRLC() ; hydro.GetLUCountUSGS()
#               hydro.GetImpCountNLCDFair() ; hydro.GetImpCountNLCDGood()
#               hydro.GetImpCountNLCDPoor() ; hydro.GetImpCountAndersonFair()
#               hydro.GetImpCountAndersonGood() ; hydro.GetImpCountAndersonPoor()
#               hydro.GetImpCountMDDEFair() ; hydro.GetImpCountMDDEGood()
#               hydro.GetImpCountMDDEPoor() ; hydro.GetImpCountUltimateFair()
#               hydro.GetImpCountUltimateGood() ; hydro.GetImpCountUltimatePoor()
#               hydro.GetImpCountMRLCFair() ; hydro.GetImpCountMRLCGood()
#               hydro.GetImpCountMRLCPoor() ; hydro.GetImpCountUSGSFair()
#               hydro.GetImpCountUSGSGood() ; hydro.GetImpCountUSGSPoor()
#               hydro.SoilPct()
# Modules:      arcpy ; datetime ; webbrowser
# Comments:     n/a
class BasinStatistics(object):
    """Implementation for GISHydroNXT_addin.button3 (Button)"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.enabled = False
        self.checked = False
    def onClick(self):
        arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = scratchfolder
        arcpy.env.workspace = optfolder
        button1.enabled = False
        button3.enabled = False
        opath = optfolder 
        pythonaddins.MessageBox("Basin Statistics calculation will continue. Please wait for analysis output""\n"
                                "to appear at the interface in the form of a message box.", "Basin Statistics Analysis", 0)

        # Warning messages
        Impwarntext =    """
                Calculated discharges from USGS Regression 
                Equations may not be appropriate. 
        provwarntext =   """
                Watershed is within 5km of physiographic 
                province boundary.  You should consider 
                sensitivity of discharges to region location. 
        limewarntext =   """
                Watershed is within 1km of underlying limestone 
                geology.  You should consider sensitivity
                of discharges to percent limestone calculated.

        # Get outlet coordinates and prepare masked grids for calculations
        outletcell = optfolder + "/outletcell"
        rast = arcpy.Raster(outletcell)
        global xoutlet
        xoutlet = float(xoutletstring)
        global youtlet
        youtlet = float(youtletstring)

        basingrid = optfolder + "/basingrid"
        dirgrid = + "/flowdir_dem",basingrid)
        elevgrid = + "/dem",basingrid)
        lantype = + "/landuse",basingrid)
        # Get basingrid count [number of pixels]
        shedtab = arcpy.SearchCursor(basingrid,"","","Count","")
        for row in shedtab:
            basinarea = row.getValue("Count")
        del row

        # Compute channel and land slope
        theslope = hydro.channelslope(dirgrid,elevgrid,opath) # already converted into feet/mile
        theslope_feet = float(theslope/5280.0)
        global thechannelslope # 1/18/2018: global variable created for use in discharge comparison
        thechannelslope = theslope_feet
        maxlength = float(hydro.maxlength) # already converted into miles for use in channel slope function

        src = r"" + Directory + "/data/slope_calc/calcslope.exe"
        slopegrid = hydro.slopegrid(dirgrid,elevgrid,src,opath)
        landsloperesult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(slopegrid,"MEAN")
        landslopevalue = float(landsloperesult.getOutput(0))
        global landslope
        landslope = float(landslopevalue)/3.2808 # modified: 03/19/2014 (divided by 3.2808)

        # Determine province of outlet location
        outletcell = + "/outletcell") + "/outcell")
        arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(optfolder + "/outcell", optfolder + "/outletpoly","NO_SIMPLIFY","COUNT")
        prov = r"" + Directory + "/data/maryland/Mdprov.shp"
        outletpoly = optfolder + "/outletpoly.shp"
        outpoint = optfolder + "/outletpoint.shp"
        arcpy.Clip_analysis(prov, outletpoly, outpoint)

        ProvTab = arcpy.SearchCursor(outpoint,"","","PROVINCE","")
        for row in ProvTab:
            if row.getValue("PROVINCE") == "A":
                provstring = "Appalachian Plateaus and Allegheny Ridges"
            elif row.getValue("PROVINCE") == "B":
                provstring = "Blue Ridge and Great Valley"
            elif row.getValue("PROVINCE") == "P":
                provstring = "Piedmont"
            elif row.getValue("PROVINCE") == "W":
                provstring = "Western Coastal Plain"
            elif row.getValue("PROVINCE") == "E":
                provstring = "Eastern Coastal Plain"
                row.getValue("PROVINCE") == "Unknown"
                provstring == "Unknown"
        del row

        # Get percent soil types from SSURGO soil dataset
        ssurgo = + "/ssurgo",basingrid)
        pct = hydro.SSURGOPct(basinarea,ssurgo)
        pctSoil = map(float,pct)
        pctAsoil = float(pctSoil[0])
        pctBsoil = float(pctSoil[1])
        pctCsoil = float(pctSoil[2])
        pctDsoil = float(pctSoil[3])
        pctWsoil = float(pctSoil[4])

        # Get LU count for Urban, Nil, Forest, and Storage -- it will be different for
        # MOP, MD/DE, MRLC, and USGS

        if landuse == "NLCD 2011 Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountNLCD(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "NLCD 2006 Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountNLCD(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "NLCD 2001 Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountNLCD(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "2010 MOP Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountAnderson(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "2002 MOP Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountAnderson(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "1997 USGS Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountAnderson(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "2002 MD/DE Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountMDDE(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "Ultimate Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountUltimate(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        elif landuse == "MRLC Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountMRLC(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])
        else: #landuse == "1970s USGS Landuse":
            count = hydro.GetLUCountUSGS(basinarea,lantype)
            LUcount = map(float,count)
            UrbPct = float(LUcount[0])
            FC = float(LUcount[2])
            ST = float(LUcount[3])

        # Get Impervious count -- count will vary depending upon choice of input Landuse and Hyd condition
        # For Landuse: "NLCD 2011 Landuse" 
        if landuse == "NLCD 2011 Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDPoor(lantype)

        # For Landuse: "NLCD 2006 Landuse"
        if landuse == "NLCD 2006 Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDPoor(lantype)

        # For Landuse: "NLCD 2001 Landuse"
        if landuse == "NLCD 2001 Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountNLCDPoor(lantype)
        # For Landuse: "2010 MOP Landuse", "2002 MOP Landuse", and "1997 USGS Landuse" 
        if landuse == "2010 MOP Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonPoor(lantype)

        if landuse == "2002 MOP Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonPoor(lantype)

        if landuse == "1997 MOP Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountAndersonPoor(lantype)

        # For Landuse: "2002 MD/DE Landuse"
        if landuse == "2002 MD/DE Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountMDDEFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountMDDEGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountMDDEPoor(lantype)

        # For Landuse: "Ultiamte Landuse"
        if landuse == "Ultimate Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountUltimateFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountUltimateGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountUltimatePoor(lantype)

        # For Landuse: "MRLC Landuse"
        if landuse == "MRLC Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountMRLCFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountMRLCGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountMRLCPoor(lantype)

        # For Landuse: "1970s USGS Landuse"
        if landuse == "1970s USGS Landuse":
            if hyd == "Fair":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountUSGSFair(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Good":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountUSGSGood(lantype)
            elif hyd == "Poor":
                Impcount = hydro.GetImpCountUSGSPoor(lantype)

        global IA
        IA = float((Impcount/basinarea)* 100)

        # Get Limestone percent count
        arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"
        limestonem = r"" + Directory + "/data/maryland/limestonem.shp"

        LIcnt = 0
        limegrid ="basingrid",limestonem) + "/limegrid")
        arcpy.BuildRasterAttributeTable_management(optfolder + "/limegrid","Overwrite")
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(optfolder + "/limegrid","Count") as rows:
            for row in rows:
                LIcnt += row[0] or 0
                global LI
                LI = float((float(LIcnt)/basinarea)* 100) # 10-23-2013
        LI = float((float(LIcnt)/basinarea)* 100) # 10-23-2013
        # can"t add unit error message -- data is tested and have linear units
        cellsize = rast.meanCellWidth
        cellsq = cellsize* cellsize

        global areami2
        areami2 = float((basinarea* cellsq) / 2588881) # conversion into sq miles

        # Get basi relief [it is difference of mean elevation and outlet elevation]
        elev1 = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(elevgrid,"MEAN")
        mean_elev = float(elev1.getOutput(0))

        global basinrelief
        basinrelief = float(mean_elev - outletelev) # Assuming it is already converted into feets

        # Average CN number using above outgrid depending upon user choice of HydCon
        cnGrid = + "/curveNumber",basingrid)
        avgCN_val = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(cnGrid,"MEAN") # figure out outgrid source
        global avgCN
        avgCN = float(avgCN_val.getOutput(0))

        # percent soil types except SSURGO
        if soil == "STATSGO Soils":
            tempsoilgrid =, optfolder + "/soilG_a")
            pctAR = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tempsoilgrid, "MEAN")
            pctAsoilR = float(pctAR.getOutput(0))
            tempsoilgrid =, optfolder + "/soilG_b")
            pctBR = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tempsoilgrid, "MEAN")
            pctBsoilR = float(pctBR.getOutput(0))
            tempsoilgrid =, optfolder + "/soilG_c")
            pctCR = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tempsoilgrid, "MEAN")
            pctCsoilR = float(pctCR.getOutput(0))
            tempsoilgrid =, optfolder + "/soilG_d")
            pctDR = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tempsoilgrid, "MEAN")
            pctDsoilR = float(pctDR.getOutput(0))
            # cell count from SSURGO or RAGAN soil dataset

            ssurgan = + "/soils",basingrid)
            pctR = hydro.SoilPct(basinarea,ssurgan)
##            pctSoil = map(int,pctR)
            pctSoil = map(float,pctR)
            pctAR = float(pctSoil[0])
            pctAsoilR = float((pctAR/basinarea)* 100)
            pctBR = float(pctSoil[1])
            pctBsoilR = float((pctBR/basinarea)* 100)
            pctCR = float(pctSoil[2])
            pctCsoilR = float((pctCR/basinarea)* 100)
            pctDR = float(pctSoil[3])
            pctDsoilR = float((pctDR/basinarea)* 100)                     

        The following code calculates the Time of Concentration. If multiple provinces
        are involved, tc is weighted average of area of watershed in each province.
        More correct would be to perform weighted average based on length of channel
        in each province.  This modification will be performed at a later time.  (GEM - 12/01/99)

        #  Create Zonal stats table based on shedpoly and Mdprov"s Province field
        #  and add fields
        Mdprov = r"" + Directory + "/data/maryland/Mdprov.shp"
        theVTab = optfolder + "/theVTab.dbf"

        # don"t add "theVTab" to TOC -- it will change list by drawing order to list
        # by source which will prohibit addition of new layers
        addFieldNameList = ["Q1.25", "Q1.50", "Q1.75", "Q2", "Q5", "Q10", "Q25", "Q50", "Q100", "Q200","Q500"]
        for each in addFieldNameList:

        # Create regionlist and regionarea and declare them as global for use in
        #  Thomas Discharge script (is it used in Thomas Discharge script?)
        sumarea = 0
        theVTab = arcpy.SearchCursor("theVTab","","","Count","")
        for each in theVTab:
            count = each.getValue("Count")
            sumarea = sumarea+count
        sumArea = sumarea
        del each

        regionlist = []
        regionarea = []
        breakstring = ""
        theVTab = arcpy.SearchCursor("theVTab","","","Province;Count","")
        for row in theVTab:
            theProv = row.getValue("Province")
            theArea = float(row.getValue("Count"))
            areapercent = float((theArea/sumArea)* 100)
            areapercent = "{0:.2f}".format(areapercent)
            if row.getValue("Province") == "A":
                breakstring = breakstring + "       -Appalachian Plateaus and Allegheny Ridges %s percent of area" "\n" %(areapercent) 
            elif row.getValue("Province") == "B":
                breakstring = breakstring + "       -Blue Ridge and Great Valley %s percent of area" "\n" %(areapercent) 
            elif row.getValue("Province") == "P":
                breakstring = breakstring + "       -Piedmont %s percent of area" "\n" %(areapercent) 
            elif row.getValue("Province") == "W":
                breakstring = breakstring + "       -Western Coastal Plain %s percent of area" "\n" %(areapercent)
            elif row.getValue("Province") == "E":
                breakstring = breakstring + "       -Eastern Coastal Plain %s percent of area" "\n" %(areapercent)
        del row

        # Compute Time of Concentration:
        #                               1]  W.O. Thomas, Jr. Equation   [tc]
        #                               2]  SCS Lag equation * 1.67     [lagtime] 
        sumtc = 0
        theVTab = arcpy.SearchCursor("theVTab","","","Province;Count","")
        for row in theVTab:
            theProv = row.getValue("Province")
            theArea = row.getValue("Count")
            if row.getValue("Province") == "A":
                temptc = 0.133* ((maxlength)**(0.475))* ((theslope)**(-0.187))* ((101 - FC)**(-0.144))* ((101 - IA)**(0.861))* ((ST + 1)**(0.154))* ((10)**(0.194))
            elif row.getValue("Province") == "W":
                temptc = 0.133* ((maxlength)**(0.475))* ((theslope)**(-0.187))* ((101 - FC)**(-0.144))* ((101 - IA)**(0.861))* ((ST + 1)**(0.154))* ((10)**(0.366))
            elif row.getValue("Province") == "E":
                temptc = 0.133* ((maxlength)**(0.475))* ((theslope)**(-0.187))* ((101 - FC)**(-0.144))* ((101 - IA)**(0.861))* ((ST + 1)**(0.154))* ((10)**(0.366))
                temptc = 0.133* ((maxlength)**(0.475))* ((theslope)**(-0.187))* ((101 - FC)**(-0.144))* ((101 - IA)**(0.861))* ((ST + 1)**(0.154))
            sumtc = sumtc + (temptc* theArea)
        del row

        global tc
        tc = (sumtc/basinarea)

        # Calculate lagtime

        global lagtime
        lagtime = ((np.float64(100* ((maxlength* 5280)**(0.8))* (((1000/avgCN) - 9)**(0.7))) / (1900* ((abs(landslope)* 100)**(0.5)))) / 60)

        # Calculate Mean Annual Precipitation
        arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = scratchfolder
        arcpy.env.workspace = optfolder
        mapstpm = r"" + Directory + "/data/maryland/map/mapstpm"
        prec_grid = r"" + Directory + "/data/prec/p2-24m"
        arcpy.env.cellSize = str(cellsize)
        basingrid_p = arcpy.Raster(basingrid)
        analysis_extent = basingrid_p.extent
        arcpy.env.extent = analysis_extent
        maprecbasin =,basingrid_p) # Make sure basingrid has value 1 otherwise all precip will be 0
        theprec =,basingrid_p)
        precavg = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(maprecbasin,"MEAN")
        precavg = float(precavg.getOutput(0))
        avgprec = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(theprec,"MEAN")
        avgprec = float(avgprec.getOutput(0))

        global maprec
        maprec = float(precavg/(1000* 2.54))

        global p2yr
        p2yr = float(avgprec/1000)

        # format precision before text file string settings
        maxlength = "{0:.2f}".format(maxlength)
        theslope = "{0:.1f}".format(theslope)
        theslope_feet = "{0:.5f}".format(theslope_feet)
        landslope = "{0:.3f}".format(landslope)
        pctAsoil = "{0:.1f}".format(pctAsoil)
        pctBsoil = "{0:.1f}".format(pctBsoil)
        pctCsoil = "{0:.1f}".format(pctCsoil)
        pctDsoil = "{0:.1f}".format(pctDsoil)
        pctWsoil = "{0:.1f}".format(pctWsoil)
        UrbPct = "{0:.1f}".format(UrbPct)
        FC = "{0:.1f}".format(FC)
        ST = "{0:.1f}".format(ST)
        IA = "{0:.1f}".format(IA)
        LI = "{0:.1f}".format(LI)
        areami2 = "{0:.2f}".format(areami2)
        basinrelief = "{0:.2f}".format(basinrelief)
        avgCN = "{0:.1f}".format(avgCN)
        pctAsoilR = "{0:.1f}".format(pctAsoilR)
        pctBsoilR = "{0:.1f}".format(pctBsoilR)
        pctCsoilR = "{0:.1f}".format(pctCsoilR)
        pctDsoilR = "{0:.1f}".format(pctDsoilR)
        tc = "{0:.2f}".format(tc)
        lagtime = "{0:.2f}".format(lagtime)
        maprec = "{0:.2f}".format(maprec)
        p2yr = "{0:.2f}".format(p2yr)

        # Basin statistics analysis date
        now =
        month = now.strftime("%B")
        day = now.strftime("%d")
        year = now.strftime("%Y")

        # Text file string variables
        datastring = ""
        datastring = datastring + "GISHydro Release Version Date:    %s" "\n" %(Modifieddt)
        datastring = datastring + "Project Name:                     %s" %(proj)
        datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "Analysis Date:                    %s %s, %s " "\n" %(month,day,year)  
        datastring = datastring + "Data Selected:" "\n" 
        datastring = datastring + "     DEM Coverage:                %s" "\n" %(demtot) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Land Use Coverage:           %s" "\n" %(landuse)   
        datastring = datastring + "     Soil Coverage:               %s" "\n" %(soil) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Hydrologic Condition:        %s" "\n" %(hyd)  
        datastring = datastring + "     Impose NHD stream Locations: Yes" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "     Outlet Easting:              %s m (MD Stateplane, NAD 1983)" "\n" %(int(xoutlet))  
        datastring = datastring + "     Outlet Northing:             %s m (MD Stateplane, NAD 1983)" "\n" %(int(youtlet)) 
        datastring = datastring + "Findings: " "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "     Outlet Location:             %s" "\n" %(provstring)  
        datastring = datastring + "     Outlet State:                Maryland" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "     Drainage Area                %s square miles" "\n" %(areami2)
        datastring = datastring + breakstring
        datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "     Channel Slope:               %s feet/mile (%s feet/feet)" "\n" %(theslope,theslope_feet)
        datastring = datastring + "     Land Slope:                  %s feet/feet" "\n" %(landslope)
        datastring = datastring + "     Urban Area (percent):        %s " "\n" %(UrbPct)
        datastring = datastring + "     Impervious Area (percent):   %s " "\n" %(IA)
        # Print out Impervious area warning message
        # *** warning message is included in for loop despite the fact that technically it could be printed
        #     twice. Since both "Appalachian Plateau" and "Eastern Coastal Plain" are far apart so it is
        #     impossible to have that big watershed while doing analysis with GISHydroNXT
        theVTab = arcpy.SearchCursor("theVTab","","","Province","")
        for row in theVTab:
            if (row.getValue("Province") == "A") or (row.getValue("Province") == "E"):
                if float(IA) >= 10:
                    pythonaddins.MessageBox("IMPERVIOUS AREA IN WATERSHED EXCEEDS 10%." "\n"
                                            "Calculated discharges from USGS Regression" "\n"
                                            "Equations may not be appropriate.", "Warning", 0)
                    datastring = datastring + Impwarntext
                    datastring = datastring + ""
            datastring = datastring + ""

        # Close to boundary condition for provinces -- Near tool isn"t available with
        # basic level license therefore a more crude method was emplyed here. It can
        # be improved in future by using "arcpy.Geometry()" tool to get distance
        arcpy.Buffer_analysis(optfolder + "/watershed.shp",optfolder + "/wats_prov.shp","5000","#","#","ALL","FID")
        province  = r"" + Directory + "/data/maryland/provlines.shp"
        wats_prov = optfolder + "/wats_prov.shp"
        prov_int  = optfolder + "/prov_int"
        prov_cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(optfolder + "/prov_int.shp","","","FID","")
        prov =
        if prov != None:
            datastring = datastring + provwarntext

        # Close to boundary condition for limestone -- Near tool isn"t available with
        # basic level license therefore a more crude method was emplyed here. It can
        # be improved in future by using "arcpy.Geometry()" tool to get distance
        arcpy.Buffer_analysis(optfolder + "/watershed.shp",optfolder + "/wats_lime.shp","1000","#","#","ALL","FID")
        wats_lime = optfolder + "/wats_lime.shp"
        lime_int  = optfolder + "/lime_int"
        lime_cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(optfolder + "/lime_int.shp","","","FID","")
        lime =
        if lime != None:
            datastring = datastring + limewarntext

        # Continued -- Text file string variables
        datastring = datastring + "" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "     Time of Concentration:       %s hours [W.O. Thomas, Jr. Equation]" "\n" %(tc)
        datastring = datastring + "     Time of Concentration:       %s hours  [From SCS Lag Equation * 1.67]" "\n" %(lagtime)
        datastring = datastring + "     Longest Flow Path:           %s miles" "\n" %(maxlength)
        datastring = datastring + "     Basin RelieF:                %s feet" "\n" %(basinrelief) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Average CN:                  %s" "\n" %(avgCN) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Forest Cover (percent):      %s" "\n" %(FC) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Storage (percent):           %s" "\n" %(ST)
        datastring = datastring + "     Limestone (percent):         %s" "\n" %(LI) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Selected Soils Data Statistics Percent:" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "        A Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctAsoilR) 
        datastring = datastring + "        B Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctBsoilR) 
        datastring = datastring + "        C Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctCsoilR) 
        datastring = datastring + "        D Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctDsoilR)
        datastring = datastring + "     SSURGO Soils Data Statistics Percent (used in Regression Equations):" "\n"
        datastring = datastring + "        A Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctAsoil) 
        datastring = datastring + "        B Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctBsoil) 
        datastring = datastring + "        C Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctCsoil) 
        datastring = datastring + "        D Soils:                  %s" "\n" %(pctDsoil) 
        datastring = datastring + "     2-Year,24-hour Prec.:        %s inches" "\n" %(p2yr) 
        datastring = datastring + "     Mean Annual Prec.:           %s inches" "\n" %(maprec)
        # turn layers ON/OFF in current data frame
        mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
        df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
        layers = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df)
        for lyr in layers:
            if == "landslope":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
            if == "ssurgo":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
            if == "limegrid":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
            if == "wats_prov":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
            if == "prov_int":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
            if == "wats_lime":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)
            if == "lime_int":
                arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr)


        # write strings to basin stat text file.
        # Message box containing datastring as message
        defFN = optfolder + "/basinstat.txt"
        statfile = open(defFN,"w")

        # open "basinstat" file in text editor

        # turn peak discharge OFF
        button1.enabled = True
        button4.enabled = True
        arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"