
A Collaboration between the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and MDOT State Highway Administration, Office of Structures (OOS)
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SHHD Software
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GISHydro Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the hardware and software requirements to run GISHydro?
What types of hydrologic analysis (models) can be run with the program?
What is the resolution of the database?
What is the geographic coverage of the database?
What are the usage restrictions of the software?

Q: What are the hardware and software requirements to run GISHydro?

GISHydro2000 requires a Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP PC with at least a 200 MHz processor, 600 MB hard disk space, and 32 MB RAM.  Operation with less hardware is possible, but is not recommended.

Q: What types of hydrologic analysis (models) can be run with the program?

GISHydro2000 is capable of estimating peak discharges using the USGS regional regression equations for Maryland (Dillow, 1996) and the NRCS TR-20 rainfall/runoff model.

Q: What is the resolution of the database?

The resolution of the database is fixed at 30m cells for all data layers.  Data whose source resolution was different than this value was resampled.  The database is stored in the following geographic projection:

  • Maryland State Plane Coordinates
  • Horizontal Datum: NAD83
  • Horizontal Units: Meters
  • Vertical Datum: NGVD29 (DEMs)
  • Vertical Units: Feet (DEMs)

Q: What is the geographic coverage of the database?

The geographic coverage of the GISHydro database corresponds to the array of USGS 7.5 quadrangle sheets that cover land within and draining into the State of Maryland, with the exception of analysis points along the Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers.  The figure below shows the "Quads83" extent relative to local state boundaries:

Q: What are the usage restrictions of the software?

GISHydro2000 was developed in cooperation with the Maryland State Highway Administration.  For this reason, the program is free to download and use.  The University of Maryland makes no profit from the distribution of the program.  Use of the software is permitted provided that it not be re-sold, redistributed, duplicated, decompiled, or reverse engineered in anyway.  Acceptance of a software license agreement is necessary when installing the program.